Blue orbs can sometimes appear in photos, videos, or dreams, or you might even see one with the naked eye when you're wide awake. It's an experience you won't soon forget, but it could leave you with questions. When a blue orb appears to you, what does it mean? It may be a visit from a Divine being with a message especially for you.
It's an Angel or Spirit Guide Visitation
Many people believe that a blue orb is an angel or spirit guide sharing a spiritual omen, communication, or guidance. Spirit guides may take the shape of an orb since it requires less energy output than a full-bodied apparition.

It Contains a Spiritual Message
Some blue orbs may be messages from the universe that can help you on your spiritual path. Some possible messages a blue orb may contain include the following.
- The message may be simple, such as be at peace.
- Buddhism teaches that blue represents the pure mind. The message could be for you to calm your thoughts.
- Blue also represents truth and communication. So the message could be one reminding you to speak your truth.
- If you don't meditate, then perhaps you're being asked to incorporate meditation into your daily routine.
- Another meaning may be for you to have greater faith and trust you're following the right path.
- The orb's appearance may suggest you have creative ideas to express.
If an orb shows up in a photo or video — even a colorful orb such as a blue one — it's highly likely it's just a natural artifact of photography. It's the orbs you see in person that are truly interesting.
It Could Be Related to Your Fifth Chakra
It is possible that the appearance of a blue orb is directly tied to your fifth chakra, the throat. This chakra's vibration is the same frequency that emits the color blue. Your throat chakra is the seat of self-expression and communication, which includes speaking and listening. Therefore, a blue orb's appearance may share information related to your throat chakra.
- You need to develop better communication and/or listening skills.
- Your throat chakra was blocked but is beginning to open.
- It's time to express ideas or emotions you've been resisting.
- You need to give voice to your creative ideas.
Related: Ghost Orb Colors & Their Meanings: Messages From Spirit
It Could Be a Ghost
This is actually a pretty controversial theory in paranormal research circles, but some people theorize that a blue orb is a ghost. The blue color radiates from calm and benevolent spirits. When you have this type of encounter, it may be the spirit of someone you knew, such as a caring and loving parent. However, it can also be that of a pure spirit, such as a child.

What Different Shades of Blue Orbs Mean
Some people identify messages based on the intensity or shade of the blue color.
- A light blue orb conveys a message and/or emotion of peace, calmness, and tranquility.
- A medium blue orb may indicate a sign of spiritual protection.
- A dark blue orb represents hard-gained wisdom and purity of spirit.
- An indigo orb represents wisdom and spiritual insight.
- A turquoise orb represents protection and luck.
- A teal orb represents clarity.
- A grey-blue orb represents loyalty, stability, and calm.
- A cyan orb represents youth and energy.
Interpreting the Meaning of Blue Orbs
There are many theories and interpretations of blue orbs. Pay attention to other things that are happening in your life to help you better understand its message.