Here's your weekly love horoscope for every Sun sign for the week of July 28-August 3, 2024. In matters of love, see what works, what doesn't, and just who might be headed your way.
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Aries, not everyone is built to handle your spice level, but those that can crave your fiery spark. Start the week off on a scintillating note by increasing the tension with some playful competition. Get into the heat of the battle with a pick-up basketball game or a race around the go-kart track. Amp up the wanton energy by pushing you and your partner right up to the edge of love and hate.

Taurus, you like to hold your lovers tight. And while anyone is lucky to have your arms around them, be careful about snuffing out the flame with your possessive nature. Trust your lover’s words when they tell you they’re committed to you. Part of loving something is letting it go free, no matter how much you want to keep it to yourself.

Having such varied interests can make you quite the fascinating conversationalist, Gemini. But one drawback of being intrigued by everything that crosses your path is having a short attention span. There are only so many hours in the day after work and responsibilities to reconnect with your partner. Make sure you’re giving them your full attention when you can. Simply putting down your phone when eating a meal together is a great way to start.

Cancer, your moods undulate like the ocean's waves, and this oscillation might have proved difficult for relationship-building in the past. If you’re struggling to make (or keep) romantic or platonic connections, looking inward at your behavior and interactions with others may be helpful in identifying the nexus of your troubles. Look to less volatile and chaotic environments like book clubs or crafting groups if you’re craving social interaction.

Leo, summer break is winding down. Give it one last send-off with a huge garden party at your house. It’s the perfect excuse for you and your partner to get all dressed up. Not only will you get to command people’s attention by being the host, but you’ll also be able to watch your love from the sidelines. Watching them in their quietude will make you fall in love with them all over again.

Relaxing doesn’t come as easy to you, Virgo, as it does to some of the zodiac signs. But you can use being wound tight to your advantage! Keep your mind open for the sinking feeling that comes with falling into a relaxed state. Look to the people who have that effect on you and see if sparks can fly. Sure, the perfect partner may not exist, but near-perfect is close enough.

Oh flirtatious Libra, you’ve got your hands full in the land of love this week. Venus smiles down on her child with an abundance of interested parties. Being carefree in love is a beautiful thing, and while it probably won’t lead to any lasting relationships, it’s enough to enjoy the good times while they last.

Scorpio, while you’re well-versed in physical connection, emotional bonding doesn’t come quite as easily to you. It’s a given that you like to stick to the emotional shadows, keeping yourself frustratingly slippery for people who are interested in you. Do them (and yourself) a service by figuring out what you want in a relationship. Guided meditations can help you unlock those hidden desires.

Time for a road trip, Sagittarius! If you’ve got some vacation time burning a hole in your pocket, cash it out and plan a sojourn to nowhere. From roadside motels to hostels abroad, you’d be surprised at the interesting people you can meet along the way. Look to fellow travelers for conversation and entertainment, and you just might get the wild summer romance your noncommittal heart craves.
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Capricorn, jealousy is an unexpected dilemma in your relationship that may pop up this week. However, your jealousy couldn’t possibly stem from fears of infidelity, oh no. Instead, you may find yourself feeling jealous of your partner’s success. It can be extremely difficult for an ambitious sign like you to see others have praise heaped upon them. And while your feelings of inadequacy or bitterness are valid, it’s important to process them separately so as to not let them sour a celebratory mood.

Aquarius, with such an interesting mind, you can’t help but be most attracted to people with similarly unique approaches to life. As you continue looking for love, don’t forget to peek into every nook and cranny in the lesser-walked paths of life. Artists, Bohemians, and underground pioneers may match your speed much more than the straight-laced venture capitalists or conventional 9 to 5ers.

Pisces, defining a mature relationship for you looks like setting firm boundaries. It’s in your nature to get lost in your partner. And while being in each other’s pockets is cute for teenagers, it loses all its luster as adults. Prevent toxic co-dependence from rooting in your relationship by clearly communicating your boundaries and (lovingly) enforcing them.
More About Your Sun Sign

Your Sun sign is the part of you that others recognize as the essence of who you are. It provides a template for personality traits, disposition, how you experience life, who you connect with, and more. Explore more about your Sun sign to discover what makes you tick or find out how loyal your zodiac sign is.
LoveToKnow Horoscopes are for entertainment purposes only.