Understanding the various forms of pollution and how it is created from the first steps in discovering the best way to stop it. Individuals create pollution and individuals can also put an end to many forms of pollution.
Preventing Air Pollution
One of the main causes of air pollution is fossil fuels use that releases many harmful gases and is responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. This is harmful for people-especially children and elderly- and environment. To avoid air pollution, the emphasize is on reducing dependence on fossil fuels for energy and transportation, and changing habits.
Switch to Clean Energy
Switching from fossil fuels to clean energy can reduce emissions and provide clean fuel for heating and cooking. Moreover, clean energy sources are also renewable which do not deplete natural resources or cause environmental harm in the production phase reports Penn State University. These include bio-energy, wind, hydroelectricity, solar, ocean, thermal, and geothermal energy.
Wind Energy
Wind energy can be obtained by turbines that convert kinetic energy in moving air into mechanical energy, which is then converted into electricity. No emissions or solid wastes are produced during the production of wind energy, but can often result in noise pollution.
Solar Power
Solar power is produced from the energy from the sun and fuel isn't burned, so there are no emissions or any harmful gases produced in its use and production. It is a technology that is anticipated to reach historically carbon-neutrality, . i.e. the emissions from the production of panels and other equipment. This energy is ideal for residents, institutions and business, and there are many possible applications available, such as photovoltaic singles or panels on rooftops for electricity and heat generation, solar vents to cool houses and solar ovens for cooking.
Natural Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy is a natural form of thermal energy, It's produced by the molten inner core of the Earth. It can be used to heat and cool buildings. Some electricity is required to run geothermal system pumps. However, this energy requirement is nominal in comparison to fossil fuel-caused air pollution, especially since geothermal improves air quality.

Ocean Wave Energy
Ocean wave energy harnesses the mechanical power of constant waves, explains BOEM (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management). Ocean wave energy isn't dependent on the time of day or year like solar energy. Some technologies available are wave dragon and wave star energy.
Thermal Energy
Thermal energy is energy in motion. It can be exploited through various systems including, combined heat and power units (CHPs), fuel cell technology and ocean thermal energy.
Hydroelectricity is produced by hydropower, such as a power dam. The gravitational force of falling or flowing water hits a penstock in the dam that turns turbine propellers to produce electricity. This is currently the most widely used form of renewable energy. However, dams aren't absent of emissions, according to The Seattle Times.
Bioenergy From Biomass
Bioenergy is produced from biomass created from living things, such as trees and plants and bioenergy crops like corn, switchgrass and poplar. Bioenergy's usefulness depends on what the sources of feedstock or biomass are, and how long it takes to grow them. It is not considered completely carbon neutral, when derived from wood and its wastes, as trees require a long time to grow, and burning them contributes to carbon emissions, according to Congressional Research Service (pg. 2). The U.S. Energy Information Administration FAQ (EIA) explains that in 2018 renewables accounted for 17% of the country's energy production.
Ways to Reduce Automotive Emissions
Since people cannot do without vehicles and mobility, there are newer clean and alternative technologies available on the market that are replacing diesel and petroleum fueled cars. These vehicles have the advantage of producing either zero or reduced emissions. An Issues report points out that vehicles using alternative technologies prevent environmental damage and reduce possible health threats to people.
Electric Powered Cars
Electric cars are powered exclusively by electricity instead of gasoline. The car has rechargeable batteries that must be connect to an electrical source to refuel.

In the past, major automakers would not commit to producing this type of vehicle since the battery charges had very limited driving ranges before needing to be recharged. However, newer battery technology has made electric cars a cost-effective option for many people. Modern electric cars have an increased energy storage and require shorter recharging times.
Hybrid Vehicles
Hybrid vehicles use a combination of electricity and gas. These have an electric motor as well as an internal combustion engine, which cuts gas consumption. There are cars, SUVs, vans, trucks, and scooters that run on this technology.
Solar Powered Cars
Solar powered cars have been on the roads since 2014. They run 500 miles on a single charge and are made for daily use. Falling prices could make this the car of the future according to Renewable Energy World.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars
Hydrogen fuel cell cars are based on a new technology that uses chemical energy from hydrogen fuel, and were on sale by early 2017 according to a 2017 Los Angeles Times report. However lack of customer awareness, dealers and fuelling stations means it is restricted to California as yet.
Compressed Air Cars
Compressed air cars already have prototypes tested where vehicles run entirely on compressed air or as hybrids with bioethanol or diesel. In 2015, actor Pat Boone pitched AIRPod to Shark Tank. AIRPod cars can be reserved, according to Zero Pollution Motors, at a cost of around $10,00.
Energy Use Can Reduce Air Pollution
There are several other ways to reduce air pollution. These require personal changes that can help reduce individual impacts.
- Implementing energy efficient steps at home, from fixing air leaks to replacing thermostats. These small steps can improve and cut your energy use.
- Passive heating and cooling uses appropriate site selection, buildings design and materials to reduce reliance on energy for temperature moderation, according to Energy.Gov. This technique is centuries old and has been used in many parts of the world.
- Cutting down mileage by car-pooling, using cycles, walking, proper planning, working from or near to home, can reduce air pollution suggests EPA.
Climate Change
Climate change, caused by emissions of greenhouse gases, is blamed for producing global warming. The solutions to this complex problem requires governments, industries, communities, and individuals.
- Cutting down on fossil fuel uses by using clean energy and alternate technologies as producing and burning these are the biggest cause of emissions globally.
- Shift from chemical fertilizer production and use organic manure as nitrous oxide is produced from nitrogen fertilizers produces nitrous oxide that is "300 times more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide and 10 times more effective than methane" according to Phys.org.
- Get the community involved to cut greenhouse gas emissions through things like encouraging bicycle use for work transportation.
- Take steps at home to reduce the family's carbon footprint, from buying locally to recycling.
- Support carbon neutral businesses.
- Fly and travel less suggests National Geographic.
Additional Methods to Reduce Air Pollution
Some indirect measures can be useful to tackle air pollution.
- According to the EPA, wherever government policies and laws regulating industries to protect the environment are working. If other countries would create similar laws and policies, air pollution could be significantly reduced.
- Planting trees can reduce 1% of the air pollution, and is being taken up in urban areas around the world, says a 2017 BBC report.
- Afforestation is beneficial if the native tree species are planted, and in areas where deforestation has occurred, in lower and mid-latitude regions. This needs to be handled with care and expertise since trees planted in higher latitudes and altitudes can actually increase global warming according to a recent 2017 scientific study.
- Prevention of deforestation is more beneficial in reducing global warming than replanting notes Guardian.
Preventing Water Pollution
Many sources of water pollution start on land, and make their way into open waterways, groundwater and ultimately to the oceans. There are several ways to stop water pollution that are very easy.
Soil Causes
- Conserve soil by checking soil erosion since this is a major source of nutrient pollution as explained by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Nutrient Pollution report.
- Chemical fertilizers use should be avoided or reduced in farms and gardens. These are a major source of nutrient pollution reports EPA in the Nutrient Pollution report.
- Natural manure should also not be used discriminately, since excess can lead to nutrient pollution explains Food Agriculture Organization.
- Avoid chemical fertilizers. Eat sustainable organic food. This promotes organic farming that do not rely on chemical fertilizers to prevent pollution of air, water and soil, say experts at Mercola. Avoid plastics by reducing, reusing and recycling as much as possible.
Household Causes
- Use biodegradable products instead of chemicals ones, like green household cleaners and laundry detergents, since this can end up in household sewage and waste and become a pollutant.
- Don't dump hazardous materials, such as paint, motor oil, discarded cooking oil, antifreeze, unused medicines and lawn fertilizers responsibly, down household drains or in the gutter says Simsburg-CT.Org.
- Improve water efficiency by using a water -efficient toilet or running a washing machine only when fully loaded, adds Simsburg-CT.Org.
- Prevent littering as much as possible as 80% of ocean pollution starts on land.
Industry Causes
- Reduce burning fossil fuels since the pollutants can cause acid rain that ends up polluting water ways and harming humans and wildlife. Using low sulphur coal and scrubbers/filters to remove nitrogen oxides are other solutions, according to Elmhurst Education.
- Government regulation of industries, preventing waste disposal and landfill amounts, and eco-friendly treatment of sewage and waste water can control ocean pollution.
- Use advocacy and spread awareness of the problems of ocean pollution to get local communities on seashores involved, suggests SaveOurShores.Org.
Preventing Soil Pollution
To help prevent topsoil pollution, and its effects, businesses and governments need to be involved as much as individuals as the main cause of land pollution is industry and agriculture driven. Tackling the sources of land pollution means dealing with:
- Domestic waste: Follow the same steps used to prevent water pollution, in terms of waste disposal to reduce land pollution.
- Reduce size of landfills: Proper segregation, recycling and reuse of materials can reduce the size of landfills that affect not only soil but also water and air quality.
- Industrial waste: Mining and waste from many industrial process must be dealt with, by afforestation to reclaim land. Moreover waste disposal from industries should be monitored and regulated by policy by governments that must be strictly adhered to by industries.
- Soil conservation: Soil erosion not only affects fertility but can be a pollution source, when it carries chemicals in it and deposits soil matter elsewhere downstream. Deforestation, over-grazing, and use of chemicals in farms are the main causes and they can be controlled through small and large scale soil conservation measures.
Reasons to Stop All Pollution
Pollution affects all the elements of an ecosystem, including air, water and soil. Pollution kills 1.7 million children less than five years old each year, accounting for one-fourth of all deaths in this age group according to a 2017 Guardian report. These deaths are the result of "toxic air, unsafe water, and lack of sanitation."
Nutrient Pollution Issues
Sometimes a single agent like use of chemical fertilizers causes nutrient pollution affecting air, soil and water, as the EPA's Nutrient Pollution report explains. Restriction of its manufacture and use can reduce 10% of greenhouse emissions. So controlling a single factor can reduce many forms of pollution. That's why it's important to look at the various forms of pollution and end them.
Unraveling the Mystery of Stopping Pollution
Stopping pollution is a complicated issue that takes the effort of big industry as well as individual lifestyle changes. However, no change is too small when it comes to individual efforts. Many times controlling one cause can have a positive effect on multiple fronts. Be proactive in stopping pollution because the best way to influence others is by example.