Uncle sayings and quotes can be used in cards, notes, or texts to let your favorite uncle know how you feel about him. They also make great captions for your social media posts celebrating this special man in your life. Try one of these quotes about an uncle to elevate your message.
Uncle Quotes Celebrate Life's Big Moments
Choose one of these quotes for an uncle when you really want him to know that he's appreciated and loved.
- Uncle, I don't know how you do it, but you always turn up right when I need you.
- Uncles are special guys who know how to fix things you didn't know were broken.
- I can always depend on my uncle to take my side, even when I'm wrong.
- My uncle is very protective and always has my best interest at heart.
- I know my uncle won't ever let me down.
- If I were stranded in the middle of the night, the first person I would call is my uncle.
- I can count on my uncle to help me without hesitation.
- If I told my uncle I needed his help, his first question would be, "What can I do?"
- My uncle is like a combination of a second dad, big brother, and best friend.
- When I grow up, I hope I can be as good an uncle as you.
- Watching my uncle has taught me how to be a great brother to my sister.
Uncle Quotes From a Niece

The bond between an uncle and his niece is special. An uncle can be a great support system!
- When my father died, my uncle stepped in to make sure I never wanted for anything.
- My uncle listens to my concerns and always gives me sage advice.
- My uncle demonstrates the importance of family in all he does to honor us.
- My uncle is my true hero!
- My uncle is a great role model of family values.
- My uncle shows how much he cares in everything he does.
Quotes for an Uncle From a Nephew
This is also a special bond, as uncles can give you a different perspective from the one you get from your parents.
- My uncle has had a fascinating life, and I aspire to be like him one day.
- Thank you for sharing your views and support, Uncle (name). I am taking your words to heart.
- Uncles are like a bonus dad.
- My uncle is my sounding board, my secret keeper, and my best friend.
- Nobody is cooler than my uncle.
- You're not just my uncle, you're also my friend.
What Do You Say to Your Uncle?
Sometimes you need to say something directly to your uncle to recognize how much you appreciate him. Try one of these quotes to send him a heartfelt message.
- My uncle is the cornerstone of our family.
- I know I can call my uncle whenever I'm in trouble and he'll come running.
- My uncle always supports me in whatever endeavor I undertake.
- My uncle believes in me.
- My uncle instilled in me an appreciation for knowledge and challenging myself.
- My uncle taught me that the only limitations I have are those I put on myself.
- Uncle, you inspire me to reach higher than my goals.
Not all uncles are actually related to our families, some are close family friends. Either way, most of these quotes will work for any uncle.
How Do You Praise an Uncle?
The best way to praise your uncle with a quote is to focus on his character. Shine the spotlight on a truly great man to let him know how important he is.
- My uncle is always the first one to celebrate a family member's success.
- My uncle helps me every day by sharing his wisdom and insights about living a good life.
- If you're looking for an example of a life well lived, look no further than my amazing uncle.
- My uncle knows who he is and never wavers in personal values.
- My uncle is a living example of how you can overcome life's challenges.
- I respect my uncle for his integrity and for never wavering under popular opinion.
- I know my uncle's heart and it is pure gold.
- The one word I would use to describe my uncle is "honorable." (Or substitute another meaningful adjective.)
What Does It Mean to Be an Uncle?
Not everyone is prepared for the profound emotions that becoming an uncle brings to them. It is immediately clear that being an uncle is a vital role in the child's life.
- My uncle shows how much he cares by always showing up for my school events and the sports I play.
- A good uncle strikes a balance between being an adult and being one of the kids.
- My uncle lets me beat him at any game we play, and I pretend I don't know.
- Every time I see my uncle, he always has a smile and a new joke to tell me.
- My uncle knows how to relate to me and is someone I can depend on.
I Love You Uncle Quotes

You can use quotes about an uncle to let this special man know how much you love him. Sometimes it's easier to convey emotions with the right words from a quote.
- I admire and love you very much, Uncle.
- In a world full of uncles, I was so lucky to get you. I love you so much!
- Not everyone is as lucky as I am to have an uncle like you to love.
- I hope you know how much I love you, Uncle.
- When it comes to having you for my uncle, I feel like I won the uncle lottery.
Thank You Uncle Quotes
There may be times when you just want to say thank you to your uncle for all he's done for you. We've put together a few suggestions for just the right words to convey your appreciation.
- Thank you, Uncle, for showing up every day and caring for me.
- Thank you, Uncle, for all you do for me. I know it takes time away from your obligations, and I want you to know how much I appreciate you.
- Thank you, Uncle, for being such a good man.
- Thank you, Uncle, for just being you. I don't know what I would have done without you in my life.
- Thank you for being an uncle that I can rely on, I appreciate you so much.
Related: 20 Nickname Ideas for Your Uncle That Are as Individual as He Is
Proud Uncle Quotes
When you're proud of your uncle, you want to let him know it. A thoughtful quote can express exactly how you feel.
- When I'm asked to name one thing that I'm proud of, I always say, my uncle.
- Being proud of my uncle is easy because he's such a fine example of how a man should live his life.
- When I become an adult, I hope my family will be as proud of me as I am of my uncle.
- I'm proud of my uncle and how he spends his life serving others.
- I'm very proud of my uncle and don't know anyone more honorable or faithful than he.
In Memory of My Uncle Quotes
If you have an uncle who has passed, you may find a quote is the best tribute to his memory. This type of quote can be a wonderful way to share what he meant to you.
- My favorite memory of my uncle is how he'd come by the house and load us kids into his car to go get ice cream.
- My most prominent memory of my uncle is his big bear hugs that always made me giggle.
- My uncle shared so much of my life that he's in all my memories.
- There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about my uncle and relive a memory of him.
- My uncle helped me to become the person I am today, and I hope I can honor his legacy.
Uncle Quotes About Being an Uncle
While most uncle quotes are from a niece's or nephew's perspective, a few quotes about being an uncle can be helpful. Uncle quotes like these can help an uncle share how he feels about those he loves.
- I never thought being an uncle would be so profound and rewarding.
- I am grateful every day for the blessing of being called uncle.
- The first time I heard a little voice call me uncle, my heart melted to my feet.
- I don't view being an uncle as anything other than an honor.
- I love being an uncle and knowing I'm important to you.
Express Your Bond With Quotes
You can use uncle sayings and quotes to show him how he's influenced your life. No matter how you choose to express your feelings and gratitude, he will be honored and touched to be on the receiving end of your appreciation.