Your twin flame is your other half. The two of you share a soul, and together, you make two halves of the same whole. Sometimes, these are romantic partnerships. Sometimes, those partnerships last a lifetime. But twin flame relationships can also be parent-child, siblings, friends, or even one of your exes. Unlike soulmate relationships, where you can have more than a single soulmate, you only have one twin flame.
Everything Feels Intense

When discussing your twin flame, one word is going to come up a lot: intense. From intense attraction to intense interaction to intense feels, there is an intensity with your twin flame that you probably haven't noticed in other relationships.
That intensity is there for a reason. Twin flames are here as a soul connection, and soul connections come into our lives with opportunities for emotional and spiritual growth. The intensity helps you recognize that this is someone important in your life.
Just because a relationship has intensity doesn't mean it's a twin-flame partnership. Other types of relationships can feel just as intense. So, while intensity characterizes twin-flame relationships, not all intense relationships are twin flames.
When You First Meet, Something Clicks

When twin flames first meet, it's always memorable. Not necessarily because the circumstances of the meeting are memorable, but rather the intensity of recognition, feeling, and connection you have in that first meeting is something you'll never forget.
When you meet for the first time, you recognize each other and feel intensely (there's that word again) connected, even before you've gotten to know one another. It's like two puzzle pieces that fit seamlessly together.
Your Meeting Feels Destined

When you meet your twin flame, it feels like destiny. It's as if the universe conspired to get you together somehow, often rearranging circumstances so you could meet in the perfect time and the perfect place.
Meeting Them Changes Your Life Forever

Our twin flame often arrives in our lives to spark a period of intense change. They come when we're ready to finally get down to work and grow, and their very presence in our lives challenges us to do and experience things differently. Often, a major change in your life unrelated to the relationship will happen within a short time of meeting this person, and they'll have changes in their lives, too.
They Challenge You to Your Core

Twin flame relationships are all about growth, and twin flames are often catalysts for that growth. So they challenge you (and you challenge them) — often without even realizing it's happening. While these challenges can sometimes feel bumpy or exasperating (or even infuriating), the end result is that you grow into a better version of yourself for having them in your life.
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You Are Magnetically Drawn to Each Other

Here comes that word intense again. When you meet, there is an intense draw, and it's not something you can easily resist. It's as if you're two magnets. You are pulled together, and when you're not with them, you'll do anything to get back to them.
They Keep Appearing in Your Life

It's that magnets thing again. Even when a twin flame leaves your life, they often pop back up under the weirdest circumstances. Like you move to Japan from the US, and then suddenly, one day, they work at your company in Japan. Or you run into each other thousands of miles from home. Or you buy a house in a different state, and they live next door. If someone returns to your life again and again, they could be your twin flame.
You Dream About Them a Lot

If they're popping up in your dreams regularly and the dreams seem different from your other dreams (even when the person isn't in your life), it could be a sign this is a twin flame relationship.
You Feel Elated When You Meet Them

If, after your initial meeting, you have a weird and uncharacteristic feeling of elation, this can definitely be a sign of meeting your twin flame.
Exploring Your Relationship Is More Important Than Anything Else

You'll do some weird stuff that even you don't really understand to be in relationship to your twin flame. You may do things that are against your stated values, for instance. Or you'll jeopardize your job or other relationships. It's like everything you thought you stood for pales in comparison to spending time with this person.
Other People Notice Your Connection

Twin flame connections are so palpable that other people notice them and often comment on them.
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When You're With Them, Everything Else Goes Away

It's like you're in a tunnel when you're with your twin flame. There's only the two of you, and all outside noise just ceases to exist. You're so locked into each other that even things you thought REALLY mattered to you become far less important when you're together.
You Share an Odd Telepathy

You're so locked into each other that you think the same things at the same time. And this happens a lot. They might start singing a song that's running through your head or say exactly what you're thinking at the moment you're thinking it, for example.
All of Your Emotions Are Amplified

Happy feels REALLY happy with your twin flame, and sad feels more devastating. If something is funny, it's the funniest thing ever. If you're feeling anxious, your anxiety is off the charts. These intense emotions are part of the emotional churn that happens in twin flame relationships.
You Love Them No Matter What

It doesn't matter what happens in your relationship. The love is always there, and it never fades. Not if you break up. Not if they are with someone else. Not if you never see them again. That love comes up time and time and time again, and even when you try to break the connection, it's still there.
Signs You've Met Your Twin Flame

Twin flame relationships are intense, and the connection is lifelong, even if you are only in each other's lives briefly. Of course, these signs can apply to other types of relationships, as well, but when you see several of the signs in a single relationship, it could be that you've met your twin flame.