Figuring out your skincare routine is a bit like choosing a romantic partner. The wrong one can make you look tired, dull, and irritated. But the right one can brighten you up, give you confidence, and make you look like the best version of yourself. And so many things can interfere with your journey to good skin, from unsolicited advice from other people to hormones to the weather. That said, the old chestnut is true: when you finally find The One, you just know.
It took me literally decades to find what worked for my skin. When it comes right down to it, I'm a pretty laid back, low maintenance gal. After years of trying complicated multi-step routines that did nothing for my complexion, it turned out that the simplest solution was best for me. The Boy Next Door of skincare routines, if you will. The following is a list of products that, if they anthropomorphized and asked me to marry them, I'd say yes. Here are my can't-live-without-them, ride-or-die, ''til death do us part" skincare favorites.