Sayings about siblings reflect how they love each other, hate each other, make fun of each other, and then how they make up with each other. The special sibling bond is undeniable. Maybe you are looking for a cute memo to write in a sentimental letter, or maybe you are searching for a witty comment for your sibling's birthday card this year? Whatever your reasons, it's always fun to read these types of quotes and sayings.
Sentimental Sibling Sayings
Need something to express how much you appreciate and love the brothers and sisters of your family? These sentimental sibling sayings do just that.
- Brothers and sisters are each other's superheroes with super-healing powers; consider yourself lucky to have them.
- Like sugar and spice, siblings make things extra nice.
- Friends come and go, but brothers (sisters) are forever.
- It's OK to lean on your siblings in times of need, they have both the strongest and the softest shoulders to cry on.
- Siblings know how to push each other's buttons, but they also know how to mend things faster than anyone.
- Your sister (brother) is your real life guardian angel, you just can't see their wings.
Funny Sibling Phrases
Some siblings are close, but maybe don't have that mushy relationship that other brothers and sisters have. Add a funny sibling quote to your next card for your favorite sib.
- Siblings are put on this Earth to love, to entertain, and to annoy each other. It's part of their job requirements.
- If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have anyone to blame my mistakes on.
- Sometimes sweet, sometimes sour, you can always count on your brothers and sisters to give you variety.
- Only you know and keep all of my secrets, because if you don't, I will tell yours.
- Sharing, I mean stealing, each other's things is the best part about having a brother (sister).
- Only siblings know the fear of calling "shotgun" last, to see who gets the front car seat first.
- My brother is the only one who will tell me when an outfit makes me look fat. Even when it doesn't!
Phrases on Sibling Friendship

Your brothers and sisters are probably some of your closest friends. Make sure they know that with these quick sentiments.
- When you're laughing, I'll be laughing, and when you cry, I'll be crying with you, because we are best friends.
- Our parents made us siblings, but we choose to be best friends.
- Our friendship and loyalty know no bounds because we are sisters (brothers).
- Because you're my friend and brother (sister) you know how to make the best times better and the hard times easier.
- When it seems like all hope is lost, you can always look to your siblings for friendship.
- I didn't always recognize you for the good friend that you were when we were growing up, but I see you not only as my sibling, but my best friend now.
Sayings About Twins

Embrace your literal other half with these fun quotes on twindom.
- We may be identical on the outside, but everyone knows I'm the smarter one.
- Twins are both double the pleasure and double the trouble!
- Being blessed with an identical twin is like having an understudy in case of emergencies.
- Twins make things twice as nice.
- Having a twin is a pure streak of luck, so if you've never considered yourself lucky before, now is the time to do so!
- Twins are like potato chips, you can't have just one.
Half-Sibling Sayings
Sometimes your half-siblings are closer than blood relatives.
- Half-siblings make families whole.
- Not by blood, but bonded to each other just the same.
- You may be somebody's half-sibling, but to them, you make their hearts full.
- Once in a while, we get lucky and a half-sibling enters our world, making it feel whole.
- In case I ever need backup, thank God I have you!
- Half siblings come in handy. Don't take them for granted.
Famous Quotes and Phrases About Siblings
Sometimes, other people can put your feelings about your sibling into words better than you can. Perhaps one of these sister or brother quotes works for you.
- "The power of a sibling who knows everything about you, who knows the family you grew up in, who carries half your genes - there's nothing quite like that." - Jeffrey Kluger
- "We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun." - Winnie the Pooh
- "Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring, quite often the hard way." - Pamela Dugdale
- "In many sibling relationships, the rate of conflict can be high, but the fun times in the backyard and the basement more than balance it out." - Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman
"Siblings know you better than anyone. They may not always admire you, but they'll always be intensely interested in you." - Dr Terri Apter
"A sibling may be the sole keeper of one's core identity, the only person with the keys to one's unfettered, more fundamental self." - Marian Sandmaier
- "The family is one of nature's masterpieces." - George Santayana
- "Sibling relationships - and 80 percent of Americans have at least one - outlast marriages, survive the death of parents, resurface after quarrels that would sink any friendship. They flourish in a thousand incarnations of closeness and distance, warmth, loyalty and distrust." - Erica E. Goode
"Relationships with siblings are ineradicably fixed in our psyches." - Siblings in Development
Sibling Love Quotes

Let your sibling know how much they are loved with one of these brother or sister quotes.
- "Being his real brother, I could feel I live in his shadows, but I never have, and I do not now. I live in his glow." - Michael Morpurgo
- "I always stood up for my little brother. He was just so small and defenseless and needed a big sister to look out for him. I'll do that until the day I die and maybe even after that." - Sally Painter
- "The funniest person I know is my brother Bob. He was the biggest influence on my growing up." - Ricky Gervais
- "A sister is someone you can always count on, even if you don't know it at the time." - Sally Painter
- "I never had a sister, but I have friends who are very much my true sisters, regardless if we aren't blood relatives." - Sally Painter
- "My brothers are like oil and vinegar, but they have always been there for me. In that way, they are exactly alike!" - Sally Painter
- "I honestly don't know how people can go through life without a sister, older or younger. You have always inspired me and guided me through my hard times." - Jordan Van Dootingh
- "My sister showed me what kind of mum I'd like to be." - Daisy
- "I'm dedicating this article to my wonderful older sister, Cathy, who taught me so much both through her words and her example. " - Dan Coughlin
Cute Sibling Quotes

Not all quotes have to be sappy or sentimental.
- "The best thing about having four big brothers is you always have someone to do something for you." - Chloe Grace Moretz
- "My siblings don't look like each other, but each of them looks like me." - Sally Painter
- "I can sum up my relationship with my older brother by his greeting whenever he came home from football practice and I'd be practicing my piano lessons. He'd yell over the music, 'Hey, Mozart! How you doing?' " - Sally Painter
- "In a close-knit family, cousins are like siblings, except they treat you nicer when you're kids." - Sally Painter
- "It wasn't until high school that my older brother and I became real friends and would double-date. Ever since then, we've been great friends." - Sally Painter
- "Siblings seem to be tethered to each other like anchors around their ankles." - Sally Painter
- "Siblings know your greatest faults, yet still love you and come to your defense." - Sally Painter
- "What greater thing is there for human souls than to feel that they are joined for life - to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories." - George Eliot
- "Siblings are loyal by default since they're with you all the time. It never enters their minds not to defend you." - Sally Painter
Funny Sibling Quotes
Stay silly with these hilarious quotes for your brother or sister.
- "You haven't lived until you've thrown your body weight against your bedroom door to prevent your brother from stealing one of your cassette tapes." - Christine Burke
- "I knew my older brother had finally matured when he didn't hit me in arm when he passed me in the hall." - Sally Painter
- "My brothers were on the high school football team so, one of them was always getting tackled even when there wasn't a game." - Sally Painter
- "Board games bring out the worst in siblings, especially when they don't draw the Get Out of Jail Free Card and then land on Park Place and Boardwalk! - Sally Painter
- "I smile because you're my brother. I laugh because there's nothing you can do about it." - Unknown
Half-Sibling Quotes
Half-siblings are one part of a special relationship.
- "A half-sibling isn't that different from you. They just have a more interesting family history. Of course, to them you have a more interesting family history." - Sally Painter
- "A half-sibling offers you something you don't have, and you offer them half of what they don't have. So, together your two different halves make a whole that binds you as family" - Sally Painter
- "If you have a half-sibling, count yourself lucky, some people have no siblings." - Sally Painter
- "Half-siblings share their best halves." - Sally Painter
- "Half-siblings have an advantage over other siblings. They only have to compete for the attention of one parent, knowing the other parent is all theirs!" - Sally Painter
Step-Sibling Quotes

Blended families mean step-siblings are more common than ever. Honor them with these quotes:
- "A step-sibling is one giant step in growing in life, together." - Sally Painter
- "DNA may confirm blood relations, but it can't rule out the love between step-siblings." - Sally Painter
- "When you open your heart to a step-sibling, you open a new world of unexpected love and friendship." - Sally Painter
- "When you're born into a family, they have no choice but to be your family. However, a step-sibling is accepted into a family, because they want you." - Sally Painter
- "Step-siblings grow up appreciating the differences in other people and accepting those differences through acts of love and forgiveness." - Sally Painter
- "Don't set your mind that you're going to hate your new step-sibling before giving yourself a chance to do something to make them hate you." - Sally Painter
Sibling Sayings
More ways to tell your sibling how you feel include these sayings:
- "Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring - quite often the hard way." - Pamela Dugdale
- "Your siblings will always be your siblings. That can never change." - Sally Painter
- "If you want to do really important things in life and big things in life, you can't do anything by yourself. And your best teams are your friends and your siblings." - Deepak Chopra
- "When an only child finds himself no longer the one and only as siblings are born into the family, he quickly learns the art of adapting to life's changes. " - Sally Painter
- "Your siblings are the only people in the world who know what it's like to have been brought up the way you were." - Betsy Cohen
- "Cherish your siblings the same way they cherish you." - Sally Painter
- "Siblings are connected to each other in a unique way, but they don't always stay connected when they become adults." - Sally Painter
"To the outside world we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other's hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time." - Clara Ortega
- "If you want to understand the dynamics of siblings, just watch the game show Family Feud." - Sally Painter
- "If I have friends I don't like, I can drop them. You can divorce a husband or wife. Siblings are inescapable." - Geoffrey Greif, Ph.D.
- "Siblings always remember every wrong you did to them, but they also remember your every kindness." - Sally Painter
A Quote for Everything
Whether you have a close relationship with your sibling, or you're still working it out, it's important to let your sibling know how much you truly love them. These phrases are for inspiration, and they are here to help you get your creative juices flowing to find the right words.