All birthdays are special, but a baby's first birthday is even more so because it heralds the transition from babyhood into the toddler years. Mark this occasion with a bit of poetry that can be added to a card, video recorded as a quick speech before lighting the candle on the cake, or preserved on a birthday scrapbook page. Even if your child doesn't remember a thing about the day, you'll have a keepsake to share as you look back together and reminisce.
Poems for a Child Turning One
First birthday poems like the ones offered here can express so many thoughts and emotions about a special child who is turning one.
Baby's First Birthday
It's baby's first birthday,
A milestone year.
A moment for smiles,
And a few happy tears.
It's hard to believe
How fast time has flown.
You started out so small,
But how quickly you've grown.
From rolling to sitting,
To a quick little crawl,
To your first tipsy steps,
You have conquered it all.
You've had a big year,
And it's time to celebrate,
So let's gather around
Your birthday cake.
Let's sing Happy Birthday,
And help you make a wish,
And blow out that candle
With one big swish!
You're Turning One!
The time has come and you're turning one.
Your little life has only just begun.
But it will grow bigger along with you,
And richer with all the amazing things you'll do!
Yesterday You Were a Baby
Yesterday a baby, now today you're one.
Your toddler years have now begun.
Let's mark this day with a celebration,
Full of laughter and fun, a real sensation!
And when this day is finally through,
We'll start planning for the day you turn two!
An Amazing Year
It has really been an amazing year,
And all the richer because you are here.
Your sweet little coos are now baby talk,
And your wobbly legs are learning to walk.
Your little mouth now holds a toothy grin,
And each time you smile, another heart you win.
So we're celebrating your special day.
This birthday is first of many more on the way!
For the Birthday Girl
A sweet little girl is turning one,
And she is ready to have some fun.
Dressed in a cute little birthday gown,
Her head is topped with a birthday crown.
A cake and gifts complete the scene,
For this pretty little birthday queen.
Family and friends from far and near,
Gather to wish her another happy year.
For the One-derful Birthday Boy

Have a one-derful 1st birthday dear boy,
You've brought our lives so much joy
With your sunshine-y grin,
And your cute dimpled chin,
You play our heart strings like a violin.
Have a one-derful birthday little guy.
You're the apple of everyone's eye.
With your cute little toes,
And your sweet button nose,
You're the best, and everyone knows!
More Poems for a Baby's First Birthday
If you'd like to see more examples, the following websites contain poems that reflect the first birthday theme.
- Birthday Poems and Quotes has a special section for babies who are turning one. Their verses vary in length from one stanza to much longer poems. Some are geared toward a specific gender, but most can be used for boys or girls.
- All Best Messages also has a collection of poems to go with first birthday celebrations. The poems are mainly short, and several could be used in your party invitations.
- Verses4Cards has more than two dozen first birthday poems dealing with all aspects of the occasion from baby's cuteness to how fast that first year went to components of the party. Some are fairly short while others contain several stanzas.
Celebrate Your Child With a Poem
If you feel inspired by the poems presented, you might even want to try writing one of your own. Take some time to reflect on the first year of your baby's life and then try writing a verse or two. You don't even have to rhyme; just write what's in your heart and find a way to include it in the celebration.