Are you looking to live intentionally? Do you want to feel fulfilled and gratified in daily life? Intentional living is a lifestyle that prioritizes the present and practicing what you preach. By simplifying your life and re-prioritizing your moral code, you can live a happier and healthier life. Easier said than done, we know. Thankfully, be intentional quotes can serve as a spectacular reminder to live a deliberate life.
What Is Intentional Living?
Intentional living is the practice of determining your values and beliefs and then consciously changing your daily behaviours to reflect those personal principles. The intent of this lifestyle is to knock you out of autopilot and help you to become your best version of yourself.
This means defining your version of success and throwing out the expectations of others. It also requires you to practice of mindfulness. By living in the moment, you can better evaluate your life, center your goals, and remove the hinderances that are preventing you from living fully.
You are 42% more likely to accomplish your goals if you take the time to write them down. If your objective is to be more intentional in life, then put a pen to paper. Intentional living quotes can motivate you to continue to make beneficial changes and inspire you to live your best life.
Be Intentional Quotes to Help You Find Your Focus
If you're hoping to pinpoint your purpose if life, intentional living quotes can help to give you some encouragement.

- Take the time to wander. For it is in this time that you will find your way.
- What fuels your fire? If what you are doing doesn't ignite your flame, then extinguish those efforts.
- The greatest success one can achieve is finding their purpose.
- Don't live on a prayer. Be a part of the change that people pray for.
- The secret to success is being brave enough to let go of what is comfortable to find what is right.
- Take every misstep as a moment for growth. Pause, reflect, and improve.
- Do more of what makes you happy and let go of the expectations of others.
- Find your purpose and then don't let anyone steer you away from making your goals a reality.
- Every new day brings a blank slate. Don't let the struggles and mistakes of yesterday dictate the changes you can make in the present.
- Declutter your life and you will find your true purpose and drive.
- Take the leap. It is better to try and fail than to not make an attempt at all.
- Do not live by what others expect. Instead, take stock of what you expect from yourself and make the changes you want to see.
- Don't be afraid to Feng Shui your life. Sometimes turning things upside down is the best way to find a better balance.
- Science class taught us a very important lesson - experiments don't always work, but they are a surefire way to find the path to success.
Short Quotes About Being Intentional With Your Outlook on Life
If you could caption your life, what would the text read? These short 'be intentional' quotes are a great choice for those who want to let their Instagram followers know why they are spending less time on social and more time in the moment.
- This is your life story. Don't waste the ink.
- Begin each day with a positive thought.
- Grateful for each new day.
- Be true to you. Only change if you feel it is necessary.
- Letting go of what doesn't bring me joy.
- Be present and be purposeful. Push for progress.
- Happiness comes to those who seek it.
- Don't just experience what matters. Immerse yourself in these moments.
- Sometimes the hardest task is to stop moving. #smelltheroses
- Be mindful in the moments that matter.
- Don't just exist. Live a life worth reading about.
- Don't let anyone tell you that you can't achieve greatness.
- Focus on filling your cup first, and then replenishing others.
Mindfulness Quotes About Living in the Present
When you're always focused on your past mistakes or your potential struggles, you're going to miss what is happening in the present. Here are some mindfulness quotes to remind you to live intentionally in the here and now.
- Slow down. Speed does not equal success. A single moment can change the way you see the future.
- Your greatest hurdle is yourself. Start small and you will find that big changes will happen quickly.
- One of the hardest lessons to learn is to say no to things that don't matter. You only have one life to live. Don't waste it trying to please others.
- Unplug and pay attention before life flashes before your eyes.
- Stop wasting time living in the past and dreaming of the future. Be present in the moments of today.
- Every moment we have in this life is a miracle. When you treat every occasion as such, you will never miss a thing.
- Don't just dream, do. It is the only way to turn fiction into a reality.
- You are your biggest critic. Stop listening to the devil on your shoulder and starting doing that you dream of.
Sayings About Intentionality When Giving
All talk and no action is no way to live. One of the main aspects of intentional living is incorporating your values into your daily activities. These giving quotes can help remind you of the impact that this lifestyle can have on you and those around you.

- Those who make a conscious effort to give will receive far more in life than those who prioritize themselves.
- We all have something to give. Just make sure what you offer is your choice.
- When you share your wealth, you will find a fortune of joy.
- Living with intention means finding your gift and sharing it with others.
- Good things do not come to those who wait. They come to those who seek a change for the betterment of their community.
- Sharing your gifts does not lessen your value. It simply betters the world around you.
- Find a cause that matters to you and then the causeway for change.
Famous Quotes That Remind Us to Live an Intentional Life
Many missionaries, athletes, authors, and educators all have one thing in common - they live in the moment. They know their purpose and they center their sights on the present task at hand. Here are some famous words to help inspire you to do the same.

- "What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." - Zig Ziglar
- "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." - Arthur Ashe
- "If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." - Albert Einstein
- "The key is not to prioritize your schedule but to schedule your priorities." - Steven Covey
Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes About Living With Intention
Essayist, philosopher, and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson had a way with words, and most of his works feature the theme of transcendentalism. This is a philosophy that circles around self-reliance, simplicity, and the search for one's self-truth. That is what makes these quotes about intentionality so perfect!
- "Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
- "The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
- "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
- "Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Be Intentional Quotes Can Help You Live a Better Life
Sticking to your goals is never an easy task. It takes hard work, determination, and a good dose of inspiration. 'Be intentional' quotes can help you stay on course and slowly change the way you live life for the better!