If you haven't yet heard of Wrap-It Storage and its myriad solutions to every organization need in your life, prepare to be amazed. With dozens of incredible (and wildly brilliant) inventions in their pocket - not to mention hung on their walls, attached to their appliances, and more - Wrap-It Storage solves more household and workplace headaches than you can imagine.
We spoke with Wrap-It founder Jim Broshat, who offers crafty and convenient solutions to every "how do I handle this?" problem.
There's No Beating the Heavy-Duty Storage Strap
The Self-Gripping Perforated Roll Will Become Your Eco-Conscious Best Friend
Cable Clams Are Cord Organization Perfection
Cable Labels Are Color-Coded!
The Bungee Buddy Goes Everywhere
A Slap-On Bracelet Meets DIY Ease with the MagSnap
For all of these and many more incredible products, like Cinch-Straps for Christmas lights or Twin Straps for wrangling vacuum hoses, check out Wrap-It Storage on Amazon.