Virgo (August 23 - September 22) is an earth sign represented by the Virgin. "Virginity" in this sense is about virtuousness - a Virgo is a perfectionist and they hold themselves to a very high standard of excellence. Their attention to detail is second to none. It's not easy to pull one over on a Virgo. They are meticulously organized (even if they are the only person who understands their organization techniques) and hard working, often veering into workaholic tendencies.
At the root of it all, Virgos just want to do their very best. They are kind, generous, and resourceful but they also tend to feel responsible for everything and everyone in their lives, which can often make them extremely hard on themselves.
Practicality rules when choosing a present for a Virgo. But whatever the gift may be, make sure they know how much you appreciate them when you give it - that's all they really want.