The fifth sign of the zodiac is Leo, the lion (July 23 - August 22). Presided over by the Sun and the element of fire, regal Leos thrive in the warm glow of the spotlight. They're ambitious, determined, and have an unmatched flair for drama and pageantry, so it's no wonder that many actors and celebrities have prominent Leo placements in their natal charts.
Put simply, Leos will always find a way to be the star of their own show. Though they can be self-absorbed and materialistic in their less noble moments, they also possess a fierce courage and steadfast loyalty to those they love. If you find yourself in the good graces of a Leo, you can bet on a steadfast and loving friend in your corner.
Presents for Leos should be luxe and eye-catching, but never tacky. And it's often best to avoid anything overly sentimental.