Spotted an orb and think it may have some type of spiritual meaning? It could, depending on a ton of factors. Orbs might have meaning, or they could be photographic artifacts, bugs, or even dust.
Orbs are controversial in the paranormal community, but some may stand out as being particularly significant, especially when they appear self-illuminated. You may see these spirit orbs with your naked eye or capture them in a photo or video seemingly appearing or moving with purpose. Analyzing the size and color can help you discern the spirit orbs' meanings and if they have a message for you.
How do you tell the difference between a spirit orb and a photographic artifact? In photos and videos, it's nearly impossible, which is why so many people discount them. If you spot one in real-time, then it may be a spirit orb if it is self-illuminated, moves with purpose, and/or has no logical explanation.
Spirit Orbs Meanings by Size
Smaller orbs versus larger orbs may have different meanings. Why does size matter? Because the size may indicate how much energy a spirit has to manifest and thus create an orb of significant size or density.
Large orbs indicate more energy and may demonstrate:
- Intense emotion
- High-frequency spiritual energy, such as Divine energy
- A higher degree of spiritual evolution
- A ghost or a lost soul
Small orbs contain a lower frequency or less energy. It's important to recognize that some orbs may be caused by natural phenomena. Small orbs may be caused by water particles and not supernatural energies. Smaller spirit orbs may also indicate:
- A low-frequency spirit, nature spirit, or elemental
- A natural phenomenon that's not related to the spirit world, such as dust, bugs, or light artifacts

13 Spirit Orb Colors and Their Meanings
Spirit orbs differ from ghost orbs. Generally, their meanings focus on messages from Divine spirits or the way a spirit such as a guide or an angel can manifest, while ghost orbs always tell you something about the human soul that's creating the orb, such as a mood or message. Orbs may come in virtually any color. Since light is visible energy, and colors are created by light's vibrational frequencies, you may be able to determine either the meaning of a spirit orb or what type of spirit it is by its color.
![]() | Black spirit orb meanings include:
![]() | Blue spirit orb meanings include:
![]() | Brown spirit orb meanings include:
![]() | Yellow spirit orb meanings include:
![]() | Pink spirit orb meanings include:
![]() | White spirit orb meanings include:
![]() | Purple spirit orb meanings include:
![]() | Green spirit orb meanings include:
![]() | Orange orb meanings include:
![]() | Red orb meanings include:
![]() | Gold orb meanings include:
![]() | Silver orb meanings include:
![]() | Gray spirit orb meanings include:
Related: Ghost Orb Colors & Their Meanings: Messages From Spirit
Is It a Spirit Orb?
The first step in analyzing any orb is to determine whether it was a spirit orb or another type of orb such as an orb photograph or a ghost orb. Look for the following signs it's a spirit orb.

- It appears to be self-illuminated.
- You can see it with the naked eye.
- It moves or appears with purpose.
- It's a single orb as opposed to one among many.
- It is very bright.
- It appears in response to a request for a sign or communication from higher beings.
Interpreting the Meaning of Spirit Orbs
Spirit orbs indicate visits from higher beings or non-human spirits and messages from your higher self or Divine entities. While they're rare, when they do appear, they're a clear signal you need to pay attention.