The best funny love poems express your romantic sentiments in a lighthearted, humorous manner. While funny poems are not appropriate for every situation, humorous rhymes make nice apologies, conversation starters and expressions of affection. When penning a funny love poem, keep your audience in mind. Some people don't like poems and may take offense if they are made the subject of your prose. It's best to keep the humor on yourself or a shared funny situation. For more intensely romantic prose, use Valentine poems or classic love poems.
1. Your Clumsy Valentine
You've seen me take a fall,
You've seen me make mistakes
I'm sure you've often said,
"This is all I can take!"
I am your clumsy Valentine
that much is true,
But as ungraceful as I am
I truly love you,
I'll never be president
or a romantic book cover,
But one thing you can bet on
I'm gonna love you forever!
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2. My Lips Are Full of Kisses

My lips are full of kisses
they pucker and plump when you are near,
This pair isn't happy until your lipstick we smear,
My lips are full of kisses
even now they move your way
for the promise of heaven is just a kiss away!
3. Beauty and the Beast
You must hear the shock and awe
when we walk down the street
as people, loudly say,
"Why that's Beauty and the Beast!"
What a strange pair,
What a weird sight,
A lovely, bright flower
and a creature from the night,
I know you hear them
'cause I do, too,
I don't understand
how they can say that about you!
4. My Little Star

When I wish upon a star
I do not have to look too far
'cause sitting right next to me
shining bright and true
is the loveliest star I ever knew,
It's true stars are gassy,
They tend to twinkle and fade
but my little star for eternity was made
I know your flaws,
You surely know mine
but like stars in the sky
our love will burn up the night!
5. Your Love is Better
Your love is better than chocolate
or an intoxicating wine,
It's better than cinnamon
I have to make you mine!
Your love is better than caramel
or any liqueur filled truffle,
It's better than hazelnut,
Oh, I love you double!
Your love is better than lush berries
or a ripe, succulent peach,
It's better than sugar,
My heart's within your reach!
Your love is better than sangria
or a sweet, fizzy lemonade,
It's better than any nectar
for you, my heart was made!