What does the word grandparent make you feel and think of? Sweet chocolate cookies? Endless hugs? Whether your grandparents are close to you or far away, use these grandparent quotes to show them how much they add to your life.
New Grandparent Quotes
Are you or someone you know entering the exciting adventure of becoming a grandparent? Give these new grandparent sayings and quotes a try on your cards or social media posts.
- Love takes on a completely new meaning the minute you are holding your baby's baby.
- Grandchildren are baked in magic dust that makes you forget the struggles of being a parent and have cookies at the ready.
- The love of your first grandchildren magically makes the world a better place. They help you to see the joy and wonder of the world again.
- With every new child, a grandparent is born. It's a magical journey.
- Congrats! Your future is full of child-like wonder, endless snuggles, and cookies.
- A magical new adventure awaits you as a grandparent.
- Becoming a grandparent is like that moment you became a parent, only better.
- The best present your child could ever give you. A grandchild.
- Becoming a first-time grandparent is similar to becoming a parent, but so much more fun.
- Ready for a new adventure? Just add a grandchild.
- You said you always wanted a grand. Well, now you're going to be a grandparent.
Fun Grandparent Quotes
Being a grandparent is fun. Grandparent quotes should be too. Explore a few cute and funny quotes for and about grandparents.
- Becoming a grandparent is nature's compensation for the "teen" years.
- Think of becoming a grandparent as a promotion. You have all the fun, but someone else has the responsibility.
- To spoil your grandchildren isn't an option, it's a necessity.
- Grandparents: The fun parents that you never had.
- Grandmas/Grandpas are great for hugs, life lessons, and most importantly, sugar. Nothing says love like fudge.
- Remember those years of telling your parents no? That's why grandparents are so good at saying yes. It's called karma.
- Grandparents are fearless when it comes to the dark and thunderstorms, but "boo" gets them every time.
- People might say grandchildren are God's gift to grandparents, but it's totally the other way around.
- Somehow grandparents go from the smartest person in the world to roaming with the dinosaurs in the space of a blink.
- Grandparents are a lot of things, but their laps are definitely never big enough.
- You're a grandparent. Of course, you had a pet Tyrannosaurus rex!

Thankful for Grandparents Quotes
Are you thankful for your grandparents? Do you want them to truly see how much they mean to you? Use these thankful grandparents quotes for Grandparents Day craft or just to tell them how much they mean to you.
- Whether a broken heart or a boo-boo, your grandparent's arms are the best cure.
- Grandma/Grandpa - a ready-made hero and best friend.
- Better than being a parent to my children is you being their grandparent.
- Grandparents are like frosting. A cupcake isn't complete without it.
- Perfection is defined as the first time your grandchild grasps your finger.
- Someone to listen to your stories, a connection to the heritage, and unending hugs. Grandparents are the whole package.
- Grandparents are like fairies or heroes. Their magical healing charm is hugs, and feel better pills are cookies.
- Nothing heals hurts better than a grandma's/grandpa's hug.
- Full of laughter, stories, hugs, and love, grandparents are the greatest gift.
- When they came up with the definition for remarkable, they should have had a picture of a grandparent.

Missing Grandparent Quotes
Missing your grandparent can be hard. When you can't see your grandparent anymore or it's been a long time, you can use these quotes to show how much you cherish your time together.
- The loving connection between a grandparent and grandchild can't be weakened by distance.
- That feeling you get when you think of your grandparent is them tapping on that piece of your heart they will never leave.
- Whether your grandparent is in front of your eyes or far away, the warmth of their hug is always there.
- Grandparents are like sunshine. They might be far away, but their light still touches you.
- The love of a grandparent is infinite and unbreakable by time, space, and distance.
- As much as you miss your grandparent, they miss you that much and more.
- Grandparents and grandchildren can never be truly apart because you live in each other's heart.
- Whether it's morning, noon, or night, there isn't a moment that goes by without thinking of my grandma/grandpa.
- The love of a grandparent is measured in hugs, not miles.
- Grandparents hold your hands even when you can't see them.
- Grandparents are the true definition of unconditional and neverending love.
- Even though a grandparent might have gone away. In your heart, they will always stay.
Grandparent Inspirational Quotes
No one is more inspirational than your grandparents. Not only are they full of love, hugs, and adventures, but they inspire you every day. Explore some truly inspirational grandparents quotes.
- Ears for listening. Hands for holding. A spirit ready for the next big adventure. Grandparents make an ordinary day extraordinary with nothing more than a box and an imagination.
- A grandparent is always waiting for you on the porch with hugs and your favorite snack.
- A grandparent is the one person that will make you a cake at 11 at night because every day should be a celebration.
- There is only one person in the world you can never get tall enough to look down on, your grandparent.
- Whether you're seven or seventeen, a grandparent's warm voice and soothing hugs can heal any wound.
- Some may say grandparents are silver, but truly they are gold. The gold in their heart was need to create the silver in their hair.
- When it feels like the thunderstorm is never going to pass, a call to your grandparent can help you see the sun.
- Some say there is no place like home. I say there is no place like your grandparent's lap.
- Grandparents are the perfect mix of wisdom, love, and a splash of magic.
- Whether they're holding you on their shoulders or helping you with college, grandparents are always there to help you see the world.
- A grandparent's wisdom of the past is the true hope for their grandchildren's future.

Meaningful Grandparent Quotes
Show your grandparents how special your family bond is through a heartfelt and meaningful quote. You can even add a touch of your own personal history to the quotes to make them truly meaningful.
- Grandparents are a lot of things, but their laps are definitely never big enough.
- When you need to see an angel on earth, look at your grandparent. They are a true gift to the world.
- Grandfathers are laughs, silliness, and the best copilots when flying to Mars in a box.
- Much like a fine wine. Parents get better with age. They become grandparents.
- They say that no one is truly perfect. Well, a grandma is as close as you get.
- With a twinkle in their eye and a smile on their face, a grandparent makes you feel like the most important person in the world.
- Much like the rarest of gems, you can't put a price on a grandparent. They are priceless.
- When it comes to grandma, there is no such thing a spoiled.
- The most beautiful sound in the world is the warmth of your grandma's laughter.
- Grandparents are wonderful. Wonderful hugs. Wonderful stories. And wonderful treats.
Keeping Your Grandparents in Your Heart
Use grandparent quotes and cute word rhymes to tell your grandparents just how truly special they are. Whether adding to a card, gift or on social media, make your grandparent quote special by adding your own memories.