Long-distance relationship quotes are a great way to keep an upbeat attitude. Overcoming the challenges of a long-distance relationship can be expressed with positive quotes.
Text a Long-Distance Relationship Quote
You can text your long-distance love an upbeat quote to offer encouragement. Texting is easy and can be a great way to stay connected.
- You inspire me every day!
- I'm overjoyed each time we talk.
- My heart swells with love when I think of you.
- Time is on our side.
- Each time I hear your voice, my worries evaporate.
- I stay focused on the day we'll be back together.
- Time away from you will make our reunion sweeter.
- When I think of you, I smile.
- You are my daily inspiration.
- Each time I see a new text from you, my heart skips a beat.
Cute Long-Distance Relationship Quotes
Keeping the fire burning at a distance may need a little fuel now and then. Love poems are nice, but you can also flirt with your long-distance lover with a cute quote.
- Your smile is seductive, and your love melts my heart.
- Life with you is wonderful even if I can't touch you.
- My favorite time of the day is FaceTime with you.
- FaceTime with your phone on the pillow lets me sleep beside you.
- My lips form your name when I'm lonely.
- My soul burns brighter under your love.
- I love the way you say my name.
- Like the Energizer Bunny, my memories of us being together keep me going.
- I long to feel your kisses and embrace.
- The look in your eyes tells me how much you miss me.

Long-Distance Relationship Love Quotes
When you're separated from your lover, a few love quotes can keep the embers burning. Letting your beloved know how much you care is vital to a healthy long-distance relationship.
- Your smile is like sunshine and warms my soul.
- I miss you and dream of the day you're back in my arms.
- Our love is where I find peace and certainty.
- I have faith in the strength of our love.
- Nothing can stand in our way of being together again.
- I will always love you whether from afar or up close and personal.
- The mettle of our love has been tested and found worthy.
- If strength is won through trial, then we are the mighty of the world.
- I look at the night sky and feel you with me.
- The morning sun on my face fells like the warmth of your love.
- I bet we communicate more during our long-distance than most couples do in a lifetime together.
- I feel that I know you better now than I did when we saw each other every day.
- I may not be able to touch you, but I feel your love.
- This long-distance relationship has honed my imagination. When I close my eyes, I can almost feel your lips against mine and your hand stroking my hair.
- I can't wait to kiss your lips and touch your face. I imagine I'll be like a jittery teenager on a first date.

Motivational Quotes for Long-Distance Relationships
Sometimes, you may need a little motivation to keep the faith and remain positive about your long-distance relationship. This calls for a great quote to inspire and reassure your love is strong and true.
- Never forget how much I love you and that I'm with you until the end.
- I chose you over all others and would do it all again.
- Our lives will be glorious once we get through this and are together again.
- It may seem that time is moving slowly, but it will move beyond this point and we'll soon be back in each other's arms.
- I miss you and can't wait to see you again.
- Today, we're closer to being together than we were yesterday.
- You are the greatest gift I've ever given myself.
- Our love transcends time in an eternal embrace.
- Time spent apart has made us stronger.
- I never thought I could love someone as passionately as I do you.
Quotes About Long-Distance Relationships and Trust
Trust can become a wedge in a long-distance relationship. You may find quotes about love and trust can bolster a long-distance relationship with hope and faith.
- Baby, there's no other I want more than you.
- We may be physically out of sight, but you're always in my mind.
- My heart holds so much love for you, there's no room for anyone else.
- You own my heart, so you see why I can't live without you.
- No one understands me the way you do, and I cherish you for it.
- You are my first thought when I open my eyes in the morning and my last thought when I close them at night.
- You gave me your heart, and I keep it safe and close to mine.
- You always impress me with how you care for and love me.
- I adore you, and I'm counting the days that we are together again.
- You are a unique person with so many talents, but the best thing about you is the way you love me.

Upbeat Quotes for a Long-Distance Relationship
You can send upbeat quotes to your partner at a long-distance. The right words can make a big difference, especially when you're missing each other.