Whether you have a thirst for adventure, a serious case of wanderlust, or just want to be more present in your life, living in the moment can bring you more joy, peace, and purpose. Our live-in-the-moment quotes and captions invite you to make your life one you'll truly love by setting aside all the noise that goes on in your head and embracing each moment as it comes.
Live-in-the-Moment Quotes to Enjoy the Here & Now

We've always loved the well-known mantra, "Be here, now," as a reminder of how precious each moment is. From finding passion to rediscovering peace, these live-in-the-moment quotes will remind you to be here, now.
- Each moment on this Earth is a gift; enjoy it.
- "Forever is composed of nows." - Emily Dickinson
- You can only control the now of your life.
- Be thankful for the present moment, it's all that you're guaranteed.
- You don't know if tomorrow will come, so do everything you want today.
- "We know nothing of tomorrow; our business is to be good and happy today." - Sydney Smith
- You are the creator and inhabitor of each moment of your life. Make sure they count.
- The present is meant to be lived. You can't live for tomorrow or someday.
- You never want to look back on life and wonder why you didn't dance in the rain or grab that kiss. Enjoy every moment of this journey called life.
- A chance not taken is just a regret waiting to happen.
- Don't waste your precious time on Earth fearing the inevitable. Instead, cherish each moment to the fullest extent.
- Today is your better day. Right now. This moment. Enjoy it.
Related: 9 Tips to Help You Live in the Now
Live-in-the-Moment Sayings to Embrace Life

We're big believers in reaching out and grabbing life with both hands. These live-for-the-moment quotes remind us to embrace what life sends our way.
- You'll find happiness in the small, seemingly insignificant moments of your life if you're present for them.
- Living in the moment is the way to happiness.
- Yesterday's moments are not today. Live in the now, not in the past.
- All you have is this moment. Once you realize that, a whole world of unique possibilities opens up.
- "Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
- The past has happened, and the future is uncertain, but you hold the keys to changing now.
- Create the world around you by being present for each moment.
- The history of your life is written by how you live each minute.
- "Living in the moment means letting go of the past and not waiting for the future. It means living your life consciously, aware that each moment you breathe is a gift." - Oprah Winfrey
- Every moment is a new journey, and each minute is a new adventure.
- The future is a phantom, and the past is a story. All we have is right now.
- Marching boldly into the future starts with being here now.
- Remove your eyes from the horizon and look at what's right in front of you.
Short Quotes About Living in the Moment

You don't need a lot of words to remind you that now is what truly matters. These short live-for-moments quotes offer brief reminders to breathe and be right here right now.
- The past is made up of moments lived.
- You create the moments of this masterpiece called life.
- These moments make your history.
- Every moment has the possibility to be beautiful.
- There is beauty in being.
- Don't let life's journey pass you by. Live it.
- Presence is a gift you give yourself.
- "One today is worth two tomorrows." - Benjamin Franklin
- Focusing on now beats worrying about the future.
- This moment belongs to you.
- Presence brings passion.
- Breathe.
- When you live in the moment, you don't miss a thing.
- The story of your life is made up of moments.
Living-in-the-Present-Moment Quotes That Inspire

There's nothing more inspiring than truly focusing on the moment and giving yourself the gift of a fully present experience. If you're seeking inspo, these quotes bring it!
- Being present right now is the formula for a big, bold life.
- A life well-lived begins with being in the moment.
- Once you get out of your head and into the moment, your experiences will come to life.
- Choose a vibrant life by being present.
- Be passionate. Be patient. Be happy. Always live in the moment.
- Stop being a dreamer and start being a doer by living in the moment.
- Focusing on the present is the way to manifest your dreams.
- Enjoy the beauty that every minute can bring you.
- "My past and my future depends on today." - Trevor Hall
- Each minute you have on this Earth is a precious gift.
- "Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed." - Coreta Kent
- The key to happiness is living each moment to its fullest potential.
- When you focus on the now, you stop worrying about what's waiting up ahead.
- Leave your regrets in the past and your worries in the future and be in this moment now.
- Choose joy. Live in the here and now.
- Every moment you focus on can be the one that changes your life.
Quotes About Being Present and Cherishing Each Moment

Stop and breathe. Take in a sunset. Bask in the alpenglow. Feel the breeze on your cheek. These are ways you can be present and truly cherish each moment, as these quotes remind you.
- Life is so brief, and it goes by so quickly. Cherish every moment you have.
- You have to be present in life to truly enjoy it.
- "Happiness, not in another place but this place… not for another hour, but this hour." - Walt Whitman
- Be present now. These are the moments that make up your life.
- Each moment is a chance to make a beautiful new memory.
- When you live in the moment, you won't miss a thing.
- "Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be." - Eckhart Tolle
- You can't regret the things you didn't do when you live each moment in the present.
- Find meaning by treasuring moments.
- Living in the moment takes effort, but it's worth it.
- Choose to be present now, and you'll regret nothing later.
- A life well-lived happens from moment to moment.
- "You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land, there is no other life but this." - Henry David Thoreau
Seize the Moments Quotes & Captions for Social Media

Seizing the moment can lead to lots of adventure, which can create some pretty great photos for your socials. These captions and quotes capture the joy of seizing the moment.
- Never let fear stop you from seizing the moment.
- Some of the most amazing opportunities arise in the moment. Don't let them pass you by.
- Some of life's best moments are spontaneous actions. #CarpeDiem
- Make every day a choose-your-own-adventure. #SeizeTheMoment
- This moment, here, now. Grab onto it and take it for a ride. #DIFTP
- Every moment is a gift. Make the most of them.
- How did I get here? I seized the moment.
- I've never regretted seizing the moment.
- If you don't jump at the opportunity, it may never happen again.
- To be the GOAT, you have to seize the moment.
- Don't let fear hold you back. #DoItForThePlot
- You never know how many moments you have. Make the most of each one.
- "Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future." - Horace
- Big risk = Big fun #SeizeTheMoment
- I'm not delulu — I'm seizing the moment.
Live in the Moment Hashtags for Social Media
Finish off your SM post with the perfect hashtag about living in the moment.
- #InTheMoment
- #DoItForThePlot
- #CarpeDiem
- #SeizeTheDay
- #SeizeTheMoment
- #LifeUnchained
- #LiveInTheMoment
- #LivingMyBestLife
- #LiveYourBestLife
- #Presence
- #BePresent
- #BeBold
- #BeBrave
- #LiveOutLoud
- #Adventure
- #Breathe
- #JustBe
Live One Precious Moment at a Time
Seizing each moment allows you to live your life out loud, unchained from worry or regret. You only have this moment and this life. Make the most of it.