Ah, l'amour, l'amour. Is there anything in this world better than love? I, a hopeless romantic, think not. And thousands of years' worth of artists and poets would agree with me. Funny enough, when I was younger, the very thought of expressing anything with sincerity and earnest made me cringe (it was the too-cool 2000s, after all.) But now that I'm older and wiser, I relish any opportunity to tell the people I love how much they mean to me. This is especially true around February 14th.
Valentine's Day is a time to lean into the heartfelt, an excuse to let yourself ride a wave of sentimentality. So this year when you're considering gifts for your special someone, I encourage you to give yourself permission to get mushy! Try a little tenderness! Surrender yourself to passion and make some new memories. Flowers and candy are nice, of course, but gifts from the heart are better. It's more affordable than you think and you may even find that you enjoy it. Your Valentine sure will.